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Chrytatywna Choinka




Małopolska Organizacja na Rzecz Natury

My name is Szeri and I am about 4 years old. My story is terribly sad... I lived in Bulgaria, where, as a puppy, I was found in a ditch... Hit by a car and left to die. Fortunately, good people decided to help me - they cured me and then sent me to Poland, where I got a chance for a better life. There is not an ounce of aggression in me, but I am still terrified of the reality around me. No one has ever taught me that a person can be a friend and give me a sense of security - now my Guardian and I are working on that. I am a small dog - I weigh only 10 kg and I have a slim build. I am sterilized, microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed. Due to a past accident, I had an orthopedic consultation - everything is fine at the moment. Additionally, due to my fears, I also had a neurological consultation - this also did not reveal any abnormalities, but to help me overcome it, I received pharmacological support. Currently, I am making good progress under the supervision of my foster home caregiver. Despite my fear, I walk quite well on a leash. I also keep my home clean. I'm not willing to play with other dogs, but I'm not aggressive either - in DT I live with an older dog, Płatek.

I am looking for an understanding family who will give me wise love and will want to continue working on my socialization.
There is a pre-adoption procedure.
Contact regarding adoption: 606 213 030 | [email protected]

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